5503 West Bluemound Road
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208
414 438 4430 / voice answered at Holy Cross
414 438 4427 / fax received at Holy Cross
See below for street map of Calvary Cemetery area.
Established in 1857
Grounds cover 65 acres; about 70,000 buried in graves; 300 crypts and niches added in 2001
Jesus carried the cross to a hill called Calvary, outside
the ancient city of Jerusalem, where he was crucified. Buried in a nearby cave, he was raised there from the dead, so that we too might live in newness of life. As St.
Paul writes, If we die with Christ, we shall live with Him,
and if we are faithful to the end, we shall reign with Him.
Calvary Self-Guided Tour
Created and written by Randal S. Chasco
These two Acrobat files comprise a self-guided tour of Calvary Cemetery. Print both out for the complete tour: Calvary Self-Guided Tour Booklet [Acrobat PDF File: 3,323KB] Calvary Self-Guided Tour Map [Acrobat PDF File: 318KB]
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