The Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese exercise a ministry of service that continues uninterrupted in greater Milwaukee since 1857. Monies assure the continued presence of the Catholic Cemeteries for generations to come. The religious importance of these sacred burial grounds requires realistic and far-sighted financial management. The Catholic Cemeteries are non-profit, self-supporting institutions. Any money beyond the prudent fiscal needs of the Cemeteries goes into the program budget of the Archdiocese for broader ministries. Our relationship with the wider Church is important. We exist to serve the parishes. We are their parish cemeteries.
This mutually supportive relationship assures the long-term stability of the Cemeteries and the dedicated ministry of the Archdiocese.
The Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic Cemeteries maintains adequate care funds that exceed simple endowment and guarantee perpetual upkeep for generations to come.