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Your Catholic Cemeteries, owned and operated by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in Wisconsin on behalf of the parishes, give witness to a faithful community of Christ's disciples — the deceased, the living, even those yet-to-be-born — of all walks and stations in life.

We are committed to your family, those deceased and those living. We invite you to come for a visit…to laugh, to cry, to remember, to smile and to love.

Your Catholic Cemeteries are holy places for prayer, for memory, for service, for renewed purpose. These are sacred environments where…

LIFE is remembered,
LOVE is deepened,
HOPE is rekindled and
FAITH is awakened, renewed and strengthened.

In This Area—

Why Choose A Catholic Cemetery? A Delicate Balance
Our Cemeteries and Printable Maps Our Cemetery Creed
Hours | Visitation & Decoration The "Cross and Doves"

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