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Spiritual Guidance
About Father Marvin I. Lazarski

The Spiritual Director for the Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is Father Marvin I. Lazarski. He brings to fruition all that the Church has to offer our grieving families and the deceased. Father was educated at Saint Francis Seminary in Milwaukee, where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy and was subsequently ordained following four more years of theological studies. He went on to study at Georgetown and Marquette Universities where he received a Master of Arts degree in theology, as well as guidance and counseling. Through his experience in pastoral work over the years, Father Marv offers a unique and pastoral outreach to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Furthermore, he assures and nurtures a climate of spirituality, prayer and liturgy through special memorial services and Masses. These prayer gatherings assemble those who are grieving and help them find the path to peace and acceptance.

In This Area —
Spiritual Guidance Overview Why A Funeral?
Introduction to Spiritual Treasury Order of Christian Funerals Overview
Guidance for the Un-Churched Order of Christian Funerals I
A Journey of Prayer Order of Christian Funerals II
Committal Service Assistance Order of Christian Funerals III
About Fr. Marvin I. Lazarski Thought of the Week

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