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Express your Love

Dear Aileen,

I thought about you today and realized that you will be gone 25 years this coming New Year's Day. I have never gone to visit you at the cemetery but I have had dreams about you through the years that seemed so real that it was hard to imagine you were gone. I guess that I keep remembering the day you came to my parent's house looking to talk to me and I wasn't home. Then, it seemed like you were gone without us connecting. Maybe I could have said something or just listened to you that could have made you realize how much you were loved by so many people and that what you were feeling couldn't have been that bad that you had to take your life away from us.

I never cried as much at a funeral as I did at yours. Maybe because we all were so young and just starting our lives. You had so much to give. You were so beautiful, smart and such fun to be with. I guess of all the girls in high school, you were the one I wish I could be like. My life is really wonderful Aileen. My kids are all grown up and doing well. I wanted that life for you too. I hope you found the peace you were looking for and know you were a very special friend of mine.

I cherish all the fun times we had together. I want to come and visit with you soon, I now know were you're are buried. Until then, I can talk to you this way. Isn't modern technology great!! We will see each other again and we can pick up where we left off - OK?

Miss you always,


Dear Sandy,

Please accept my heartfelt sympathy on the death of your friend Aileen by suicide. You state that it is hard to imagine that Aileen is gone. Suicide often leaves friends and loved ones in a state of shock and disbelief even 25 years later. Not only do we mourn the death of a dear friend, but in the case of suicide, we also mourn the manner in which our friend chose to end their life. Wisdom and prayer teach us that the answer to our many "whys" is often that we don't know and we won't know. It is through an abiding faith in the Resurrection that you state "we will see each other again." We welcome your journey to our cemetery where you can meet Aileen again - until you meet again.

God speed your grief journey...

Patrick Dean
Director of Grief Education Services

P.S. To discuss your grief journey further, please contact me at      

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